Week of tapas and films

This weekend there are different proposals related to tapas in Barcelona:

Tapas in Horta-Guinardo: more than 30 bars offer tapa and beer at 1,95 euros, every Wednesday from 19 to 22h. A good excuse to visit this characteristic neighbourhood. Here you go the bars included.

horta guinardo

Tapas in Sant Antoni: From November 7th to 30th Tapantoni is coming back. Some of the bars of Sant Antoni neighbourhood, in Barcelona center, offer these days tapa and beer/wine = 2,5 euros.You have all the details here: http://www.tapantoni.com/es/index

tardor de tapes

And markets are on fire;) Yesterday took place a tapas night (Nit de Tapas) in El Clot Market (Plaça del Mercat 26), included in Festa Major del Clot. You could buy 5 tickets at 7,5 euros and enjoy different tapas inside the market, from 20 to 24h. Couldn’t you go? Don’t worry! Next Saturday, November 22th)another tapas night, now in La Estrella Market (Pi i Margall 73-75) in Gracia, from 19.30 to o0.30h.

mercat nit

And also next weekend, November 22-23th, Film and Cook. With different films and activities in Madrid and Barcelona, this year a surprise: Market & Taste, where you can taste gourmet productos. All the information in: http://www.filmandcook.com


Have a nice Sunday!

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