Week of tapas and films

This weekend there are different proposals related to tapas in Barcelona:

Tapas in Horta-Guinardo: more than 30 bars offer tapa and beer at 1,95 euros, every Wednesday from 19 to 22h. A good excuse to visit this characteristic neighbourhood. Here you go the bars included.

horta guinardo

Tapas in Sant Antoni: From November 7th to 30th Tapantoni is coming back. Some of the bars of Sant Antoni neighbourhood, in Barcelona center, offer these days tapa and beer/wine = 2,5 euros.You have all the details here: http://www.tapantoni.com/es/index

tardor de tapes

And markets are on fire;) Yesterday took place a tapas night (Nit de Tapas) in El Clot Market (Plaça del Mercat 26), included in Festa Major del Clot. You could buy 5 tickets at 7,5 euros and enjoy different tapas inside the market, from 20 to 24h. Couldn’t you go? Don’t worry! Next Saturday, November 22th)another tapas night, now in La Estrella Market (Pi i Margall 73-75) in Gracia, from 19.30 to o0.30h.

mercat nit

And also next weekend, November 22-23th, Film and Cook. With different films and activities in Madrid and Barcelona, this year a surprise: Market & Taste, where you can taste gourmet productos. All the information in: http://www.filmandcook.com


Have a nice Sunday!

This weekend, xató and cinema

Some activities for this weekend:

Xató Route 2013-2014 (Catalunya): Beginning in Novembre, the route offer different experiences and places to taste a dish of xató. What is this? A typical dish in  Penedes and Garraf. It’s a salad that combines different ingredients: endive, cod, anchovies, tuna and Arbequina olives. This salad is complete with a nut-based sauce, roasted garlic, toasted bread, extra virgin olive oil, ñora … Sometimes you can find some variants, adding tomato, cookie or chili.


The Xato route combines some activities in different towns, xatonades (popular event) and different restaurants taking part in the route in El Vendrell, Sitges, Vilafranca del Penedès, Vilanova i la Geltrú,  Calafell, Cunit, etc. You can find the restaurants, activities and recipes here. More information in http://www.rutadelxato.com

Cinema Tapas Festival (Almeria) (Novembre 28th – December 8th): Following the spirit of fusing meat and cinema, this is a proposal of tapas related to cinema, but based in films recording in Almeria(there are a lot!). In happy hour, you can find tapa+beer at 2 euros. You can see details in the festival web


Film and Cook 2013

Film & Cook Madrid (November 9,10,16,17th) ended last Sunday after four days.  New this year was the inclusion of a competitive section where you can selected the best short film and best feature film , documentary or fiction. The prizes for this new section have been:

  • Best Feature  Film for the Swedish romantic comedy Love and Lemons  (Lars Vasa Johannson), based on the novel of the same name (by Kajsa Ingermarsson). The story of Agnes, a chef who begins a new life as a  co-owner of a  restaurant.
  • Best Short to Bide Sormenaren Ezkutuak, Lara Izaguirre’s work showing the creative process of chef Eneko Atxa.
  • Film & Cook Schweppes Prize  to Best Gastronomic Experience for El Somni, a project of El Celler de Can Roca and Franc Aleu that combines opera and cuisine.

The winners will attend a gala awards ceremony to be held on Sunday November 24 in the programming of Film & Cook in Barcelona.

Film & Cook Barcelona (November 21th-24th)

Now the festival is moving to Barcelona to complete the third edition of Film & Cook in the Aribau Club. Today the official opening will take place with Jordi Cruz and documentary Make Hummus , not War,  after knowing who are the new 2014 Michelin stars*. You can see here the program and information about tickets and prices.

food and cook

More about films and food: https://notonlyeating.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/filmsandfood/


Films and Food

Two of our passions are currently linked in different festivals putting together gastronomy and cinema.

Culinary Zinema (21-28th September): included in San Sebastian Film Festival, this section appears due to an agreement between Berlinale and San Sebastian. It’s a fixed section in Berlin Film Festival (Culinary Cinema) and San Sebastian wants to continue the idea but on an own way (the Z of Zinema shows it) and strengthen its gastronomy, one of the best in the whole world. This year seven feature films and a short film integrating section, see the program. The films will be accompanied by special dinners.


Film and Cook (November in Madrid and Barcelona): The 3rd edition of this Festival will take place in Barcelona and Madrid. It will be a competitive section, some films just for exhibition and a part of classic cinema (see the program). On the other hand, it will be a prize for the best gastronomic experience of the year (see the details). This time the winners is EL SOMNI, a Celler de Can Roca’s and Franc Aleu’s project.

food and cook

Cicle de Cinema i Gastronomia a Girona: Last March, included in Girona’s Gastronomic Week, was celebrated this event, where some classic films were projected. After that, there was a tasting relating to the films. Girona has its own Cinema Museum, an unique visit if you like the cinema.

museu cinema

Following this issue, we open a section on Facebook group, the album “Films and Food“, where you can put your favourite scene of a film related to gastronomy and explain us why.  Join us!! https://www.facebook.com/notonlyeat